Project Management

Traditional production calendar formatted in a universal calendar view for ease of use and quick understanding by the entire production team. This calendar outlines the major milestones and due dates for the UNCSA production of Lydia

Technical & Accounting

Operations & Human Relations

An example of meeting minutes from a weekly production meeting from the UNCSA performance of Lydia. This document was distributed on our TEAMS page, as well as emailed to all involved and absent parties to ensure the production team remains in constant communication with the most up-to-date and accurate information. 

This document is a sample of the Load-In schedule for UNCSA’s production of Winter Opera 2024. This production took place off campus at High Point Theatre, a venue unfamiliar to us at the time. The schedule onsite required more detail and hyper-specific notes on activities to build the best relations with the venue staff. 

This Gantt chart served as the Production Management team’s main source of schedule and timeline tracking. With such a long production period for the UNCSA’s performance of Winter Opera 2024, this schedule format allowed us to view time in a big picture and not lose track of the days. 

Cost Analysis document made in Excel using pivot tables, drop downs, and reference cells to total all costs required for the projects and compare differentiating costs based on vendors and shipping variables to identify the most cost-effective choice aligning with the project goals and vision. 

Microsoft Excel workbook displaying resource management and budgeting skills for a theoretical production bid process. Participated in a Technical Direction course through the lens of a Project Manager to better understand the language of and work with technical teammates.

AutoCad drawing of UNCSA’s 20’x20’ booth for the 2025 USITT Conference. A wireframe drawing to scale to show my basic ability and understanding to create and/or edit visuals in the commonly used technical drawing software. 

As Operations Manager for the Production Management Office in UNCSA, this document highlights the newly created and implemented onboarding protocol for new students in our program. Clearly outlining and defining expectations and providing ample time to learn the ropes of our working and education environment. 

This chart defining Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed parties on a project aided in defining overlapping elements between departments for the production of Spring Dance at UNCSA. The team referred to this chart as a guide for who was involved in which element which maintained clear expectations throughout the delivery process. 

This document outlines all the forms of communication used on the UNCSA production of Lydia. The communication outlets also note where, how, when, and by whom. This document served as a reminder for the team of how information would be delivered to them and helped new team members learn our process if they were not previously familiar. 

Working Venue Manual developed during temporary employment as Quality Manager for UNCSA Performance Facilities. This document now serves as the guidelines for all venues on campus and is used for streamlining both internal and external communication for rental agreements. 

Example of one of five packets made for UNCSA performance facilities venues to serve as a consistent and standard technical specifications document. As Quality Manager the goal of this paperwork refinement project was to create efficiency when renting spaces and province clear and consistent documentation across all facilities.